Saturday was National Drug Take Back Day and people dropped off expired, unwanted or unused prescription medications at the five Seattle Police Department precincts. According to Seattle Police, a total of 697.15 pounds of unwanted medications were dropped off. Here is the precinct break-down:
-- North Precinct-176.50 pounds
-- West Precinct-170.70 pounds
-- South Precinct-43.55 pounds
-- East Precinct-67.95 pounds
-- Southwest Precinct-238.45 pounds
Since Washington State does not have a statewide medicine return program, it is often difficult for people to get rid of unused medications in an environmentally safe way. With youth prescription drug abuse on the rise in Washington State, getting rid of unused medicines is one prevention tool for families.
Saturday's event was was another great success and there will be another one again in the fall. In the meantime, learn more about establishing a permanent statewide medicine return program at the Take Back Your Meds website.